Full Moon in Libra Ritual for Releasing and Balancing

Night of the Full Moon:

  1. Preparation: Set the mood by creating a sacred space for your ritual. Light your Fruit Loops Full Moon Candle, allowing its warm glow to fill the room with positive energy. Take a few deep breaths to center yourself and clear your mind.

  2. Invocation: Call upon the energy of the Full Moon in Libra and the transformative power of the penumbral eclipse. Visualize a soft pink light surrounding you, symbolizing love, harmony, and balance.

  3. Reflection: Reflect on areas of your life where you feel imbalance or discord. Write down any negative thoughts, emotions, or patterns that you wish to release. Be honest and thorough in your reflection.

  4. Release Ceremony: Hold your written intentions in your hands and visualize them dissolving into the pink light of the Full Moon. As you do so, recite the following affirmation: "Under the gentle light of the Libra Moon, I release what no longer serves me. May harmony and balance fill my heart and soul, As I let go with love and grace."

  5. Meditation: Close your eyes and meditate using the free guided meditation, allowing the energy of the Libra Full Moon to cleanse and purify your spirit. 


  1. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the opportunity to release and let go. Write down three things you're grateful for, focusing on the positive aspects of your life.

  2. Self-Care: Engage in self-care practices that nurture your mind, body, and spirit. Take a relaxing bath with lavender essential oil, practice gentle yoga, or spend time in nature.

  3. Intention Setting: Set new intentions for the upcoming lunar cycle, focusing on cultivating happiness, joy, peace, and balance in your life. Write down your intentions and place them near your Fruit Loops Full Moon Candle to infuse them with positive energy. Have the intentions focused on what you're releasing with the Full Moon. Remember, the energy of this moon is focused on balance in our closest relationships. Examples of intentions you could use: 'I release frustration and irritability when dealing with those closest to me. I release yelling from my reality. I release...' whatever it is that you are no longer wanting to see in your closest relationships. These are things we want to get rid of, so we can bring in what we want with the New Moon. Such as peace, love, joy, happiness.. instead of irritability, frustration, jealousy, etc,. 

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